September 9, 2010

An Introduction, An 'About Me'

It's official, school has begun, I'm doing my first actual writing assignment, an 'About Me', go figure. If you really want to know about me you should know this: I hate writing 'About Me's. I'm unsure as to what you want to know, and what you should know I don't think should be simply told to you. Reading one of these is to me the equivalent of stalking someone's Facebook page, you only learn the surface, and I would rather you know the core, the heart and soul, which I certainly won't pour out through the keys of my laptop.

Basically, I'm Haley Ray Thompson and I have blond hair and blue eyes. My birthday is 17 days from today, and because it's early in the year and everything relating to math is foreign, that makes my birthday September 26. I absolutely love my birthday, I figure, if you only have one day a year, why not make it the biggest deal of the year? Other than loving my birthday, I love my family and middle name, iPod, orange juice, N.Y.C., Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Band-Aids that aren't plain (such as Disney Princess or Toy Story) and playing softball.

This isn't much about me, and I don't believe I lead you to think it would be. Most of what isn't answered, is the heart and soul of me, which you must find out on your own.


  1. Haley, you seem interesting and cool. Wish I knew more though :(

  2. Haley! I love how most of your blog is about your birthday. You're really cool.. :) I believe that is haley party day? I like how you're all deep with the "you have to get to know me, I can't explain myself over the internet". Very nice, bandaid.
